Thursday, November 10, 2016

Indies Invade Philly Update!!!!!!

First a huge thank you to everyone that attended, volunteered, and to our amazing authors for making 2016 such a great success!  We are overwhelmed by the outpouring of thanks and love from everyone involved in this years events!  

Now the good news!  The planning has begun and 2017 is right around the corner!  

The signing is set for September 9th, 2017!!!!

Stay Tuned for author list and ticket on sale dates coming soon! 

We hope to see you all back in Philly!!!!!

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Indies Invade Philly 2016 Tickets Are Available NOW!

Tickets for Indies Invade Philly 2016 are now available! Please note—signing tickets are NOT refundable and do NOT include the after party. After party tickets MUST be purchased separately. We're expecting tickets to sell out quickly, so I do suggest buying them if you're interested in coming. Worst case, if you find you can't attend, you can always sell them in the Facebook attendees group later on. 
Facebook attendees group:

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Are you ready for Indies Invade Philly 2016!

The date is set for November 5th, 2016!

Join us along with 40 of your favorite authors for 
Indies Invade Philly 2016!

Book Signing 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. 

Pennsylvania Convention Center

After Party with DJ John Alexander 
from Eclipse Entertainers is back by popular demand... 

If you haven't already, join our attendee group on Facebook... 

Authors and event details will be posted soon, so check back often...